
Der Sport-Tag: Eklat beim Pokal-Derby: Spielerfrau angegriffen

Der Sport-Tag: Eklat beim Pokal-Derby: Spielerfrau angegriffen

The Sport Tag
Play at Pokal-Derby: Spielerfrau-angegriffen

After the Landespokalspiel zwischen Fußball-Regionalligist Babelsberg 03 against Drittligist Energie Cottbus has come to an end. Die auf der Tribüne des Babelsberger Karl-Liebknecht-Stadions weilende Frau von Energie-Spieler Niko Bretschneider would experience problems and problemswhom Cottbus-Pressesprecher Stefan Scharfenberg-Hecht bestätig.

After the 3:2 guest follow-up, Bretschneider wanted to his family and was rescued by a visitor with beer. If the man picks up the attack of the Frau des Abwehrspielers, it is still not possible to play in the stadium. Scharfenberg-Hecht denies that the woman in the family was affected, but not that a Hämatom attack takes place, which is what happened in the middle reporting. “Then I can come to my Spaß. If everything can come to me, the policies can come – with the help of the persons I love, that is not the case.”said Bretschneider of the “Lausitzer Rundschau”