
Schauspieler Julian Ortega with 41 years of vertorben

Schauspieler Julian Ortega with 41 years of vertorben

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Schauspieler Julian Ortega with 41 years of vertorben
Julian Ortega in Elite © Netflix

Spanish playwright Julian Ortega has changed in the 41st century. Series junkies can find themselves in the first episode of the Netflix hit ‘Elite’. Was it meant to be bislang zum Fall?

Tragic Noises for Elite Fans: The Spanish Schauspieler Julian Ortega has been lost in Alter von 41 years. The game is played in the first level of the Schul Series with.

Was this possible with Ableben von Julian Ortega?

On Sunday, August 25 at 5:30 PM there will be a bi-partisan gathering and a heart still stand, what is the beach Playa de Zahora in Cádiz in Spain for, who The Olive Press (via Entertainment weekly) message. There are no problems with solving problems and resolving issues. If you have to say something, make sure you can do nothing more.

Winner of Julian Ortega

The 41 years in Madrid and the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico Schauspiel study. In the same footsteps of “Elite” there were with dabei. This stand is for “Catonte”, Velvet and Las Chicas del Cable for the room. From 2021 to 2023, the character Pirulin Lafuente is sold in the comedy series “The Countryside” and may well be an episode of the Spanish soap opera “4 Estrellas” as Ángel with. Neben TV career war is often in Brettern, die welt in the theater active and played in the pieces “Bikes are for the summer” and “M. Ibrahim and the flowers of the Koran” with.

Stimmen zum Verlust von Schauspieler Julian Ortega

Schauspielkollege Fernando Tejero wrote: “I was a great teacher, a great teacher… was a great artist and was a wonderful human being, Julian Ortega… flew away, together with my father and mother.”

Schauspielerin Silvia Marso said: ‘My friend @lauracepedagolferichs hat mich gerade anger, um mir die traurige Nachricht zu überbringen, dass Julian Ortega Rodriguez ist, a great schauspieler and a college of integral, Ehrlichkeit and as good as Eltern Gloria Muñoz and Jose Antonio Ortega. I can’t name any of them, but those of Eltern, Kollegen, who were so loved in the industry, yes. Who schrecklich… I can’t do anything. Absolutely sad.”

“Elite” lasted eight seasons on Netflix and ended in July 2024.