
GZSZ Spoiler: Moritz was born, wer Adam was around – bedeutet his Beziehungs-Aus mit Luis?

GZSZ Spoiler: Moritz was born, wer Adam was around – bedeutet his Beziehungs-Aus mit Luis?

With “Good Times, Bad Times” comes the Good Times and Light. Who would Moritz have with Luis Geständnis about Adam?

RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

Moritz (Lennart Borchert) has at “Good Times”, bad times” the new Mitarbeiter Adam (Lukas Sauer) for “Female hoch 3” an equipment and is the total management of his life. Was not there yet white: Adam is the flirt with Freundes Luis (Marc Weinmann) from Bratislava. This task conceals Luis’s affection for Moritz later. Because Luis saves it himself, but the Sache is anyway complete and it will now be a complizier. Luis’ bad knowledge remained under the bald and stopped the flight no more than that. Luis commands Moritz everything.

Achtung, der Artikel enthält Spoiler zur Folge 8100 vom 6. September

A common date by the lake between Luis and Moritz would have been suddenly thrown by Adam. If Luis works in a comical way, Moritz thinks he has a bad power. Adam has namely been charged to the lake, because in Berlin there has not really been an agreement. Luis looks at his madness and gesteht, that is one of the few signs that are there.

Kurz darauf kann Luis sein Pokerface nicht more right stops and is aimed at his heraus: “Der Typ, mit dem I rumgeknutscht habe in Bratislava, das ist Adam.” Moritz is very bewildered and does not bring back any more wort. Was it intended for the benefit of both?

Sayounara, Berlin! Johanna moves to Tokyo

Johanna (Charlott Reschke) has taken on her Eltern wife, the jobangebot in Japan but still active. It is stubborn that Jo (Wolfgang Bahro) keeps aloof. Jetzt heißt es Abschied nehmen en Johanna besucht noch einmal all ihre Liebsten. Before all Abschied von Ihren Eltern trotz or Auseinandersetzungen is emotional. “I have to do what I can do,” Jo and Katrin (Ulrike Frank) say self-consciously. “Egal, was passiont ist, ihr bleibt meine Eltern. I just love it.”

RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

Johanna lets Berlin know that she wants to start a new life in Tokyo

TV & Streaming: So you can buy the new Folgen von GZSZ

“Good Times, Bad Times” will be released on Fridays at 7:40 p.m. on RTL. If you want to know who is with Moritz and Luis now, you can stream new Followers at RTL+ for a week in advance. On the streaming platform, you can use all the other employees of the series.