
It’s a party for the other Dorfkonsum

It’s a party for the other Dorfkonsum

Whoever celebrated the Pilzsoppenfest in Liepe, Jonny Bopp can’t say that anymore. “It lasts 15 or 20 years,” says the 66-year-old, the party can last a few years on the taube hotplate.

“Overall in the Dorfern gab es Feste”, is one of the experiences. A larger Dorfjubiläen is now being celebrated in Liepe in der Gemeinde Hammer. The wool is a matter of life and that is a beautiful combination. Even though the name “Blaubeerfest” means war, you will be a villager living in Pils in the woods. So come and enjoy the Namen “Pilzsuppenfest”.

Considered since the 90th anniversary of the Dorfkonsum

For every Fest Jonny Bopp bought a Pilzsuppe, which is then his Abendbrot-serviert. Gefeiert in the immediate vicinity of Dorfkonsum, started a year ago in the 1990s.

I am a former Schulhaus von Liepe befindet sich der Konsum. There is a problem with analyzing data.

I am a former Schulhaus von Liepe befindet sich der Konsum. There is a problem with analyzing data. (Photo: Eckhard Kruse)

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Once the Pilzsuppenfest has happened, it can take years. Jonny Bopp met his end on September 7th at Sonnabend. “Ich bin 66 Jahre alt”, said. If you think you are going to end up in the Ruhestand situation, this is a year in which you can use your agency as an agent of the ergo-provision in Eggesin supervisor.

Live Band, Schlager and Oldies

Sonnabend has appointed Jonny Bopp as main organizer of the band “Heizhaus Ost” from Ueckermünde, which will rock the stage from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Anschließend gibt’s Schlager und Oldies from the Konserve auf die Ohren.

Opening ceremony during the party at 3 p.m. by Bürgermeister Daniel Zobel, before his Kaffee and house staff Kuchen gibt. From 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., “Reinhard & sein Keyboard” plays Schlager and Tanzmusik. At 17 p.m. the Fire Department Rundfahrten für Kinder an. Then come the traditional Pilzsuppe, Kesselgulasch and Gegrilltes auf den Tisch.

Ob beim Konsum or der beim Pilzsuppenfest - Daniela Bopp-Wendt unterstützt in Mann.

Ob beim Konsum or der beim Pilzsuppenfest – Daniela Bopp-Wendt unterstützt in Mann. (Photo: Eckhard Kruse)

For Jonny Bopp the party in Liepe and other special. The etwa 75 village residents and your host family are not long gone, but a song or other is played. When the appropriate music is erklingt, then the quiet asphalt road in front of the house, which serves as a dance surface in the resolution of the listening experience, is softly gefüllt.

Consum is just a hobby

Do you have a Torgelower day, the Liepener Dorfkonsum that you are attending and are also organizing a party? Jonny Bopp married Café “Madlen” in Stettiner Straße in Eggesin from 1992 to 2000 and at Bahnhofsgaststätte in Torgelow from 1996 to 2003. “I have a sister’s life,” he says.

With the Bundeswehr road from Eggesin you can no longer go to the cafes. Später go to the Bahnhofsgaststätte in Torgelow over a width of the Versicherungswesen. The Konsum in Liepe retains there – but wenn der Laden heute nur een Hobby ist.

Including with Jonny Bopp Eisbecher-Nachmittage and. The next date is 15. Septemberstattfinden.

Including with Jonny Bopp Eisbecher-Nachmittage and. The next date is 15. Septemberstattfinden. (Photo: Eckhard Kruse)

In the early years I had off-net the consumption tag. Zehn Mischbrote and 300 Brötchen went here to jeden Tag über den Ladentisch. Viele Anwohner en vor allem utzten das Angebot, said Jonny Bopp. The present day is now complete from 11 to 13 o’clock, especially during the holidays, during the holidays, during the holidays, during the holidays, during October 3, during the Abgrillen and during the Pilzsuppenfest.

Wide views

His parents have learned in Liepe, counts the 66-year-olds. This is the person in the village and it is increasingly a stressful day on the couch that the consumer with her wife Daniela Bopp-Wendt lets know that she can sit in nature and can sit in nature. There are few people around and it takes a while before the Hirsche-rohren are carried out. “Etwas schöneres gibt es nicht.”

However long the Dorfkonsum is, it cannot be that a bet is made. Rumors, that is the Mietvertrag for the gemeinde-eigene Gebäude schon gekündigt hat, widespricht er. At the Gemeinde the man has no more idea for the time than, like Daniel Naggert, stellvertrettender Bürgermeister.

The Kapelle in Liepe is located directly next to the other Schulhaus.

The Kapelle in Liepe is located directly next to the other Schulhaus. (Photo: Eckhard Kruse)

The Lebensweg von Jonny Bopp started with his whole gastronomy, Versicherung und Dorfkonsum. There was an Unterstufenlehrer and 1980 Pionierleiter in the Oberschule in Drögeheide. In 1985, the delegation of the FDJ-Kreisleitung was transferred to the Bereich Pionier and Schulgruppen war. Dieser Job ended in the Wende 1990. It represented a new beginning.

Neben de Konsumbetrieb ist der Torgelower als Trauerredner onterwegs, work with such bestattungshäusern bis nach Berlin jijammen. Ehrenamtlich is active for Eggesiner Senioren. Once a month the year of the passing takes place in the “House of Geborgenheit” of the Volkssolidarität for a Seniors’ Disco. It is possible to do, talk and get things. That is what Ihm Freude, Money wants is not that.