
Rúrik Gíslason watches a Netflix movie in front of the room

Rúrik Gíslason watches a Netflix movie in front of the room

In the Austrian province of Tyrol, film productions have begun for a brand new Netflix comedy with a famous ensemble. In his nevertheless a visit to the leadership of director Marco Petry (46, “Spieleabend”), see Rúrik Gíslason (36) and the side of Alexandra Maria Lara, Devid Striesow, Anna Herrmann, Doğa Gürer and Kerim Waller with.

Rúrik Gíslason starred in Netflix’s Komödie einen Hundetrainer

In Gislason’s production, the figures of the nodes, a number of dog training instructors and gurus, are a group of eccentric dog halters and -halters in the Alps, who do their best to get into the Griff. Waiting creatures are an unconventional approach and see more the owner than the dog. “Schnell is clear, it is a verbetherapeutische Hilfe-brauchen – never a faithful companion on four pfoten”, lautet the statement in the press explanation.

Marco Petry wrote the three-part book for the Vierbeiner-komödie together with Jane Ainscough and Hortense Ullrich, and Viola Jäger and Marina Schiller were produced. If the film appears on the streaming platform Netflix, this is not possible.

Celebrated Schauspielrolle for Rúrik Gíslason

For Rúrik Gíslason, one of the island’s football players and here during the entire period of “Let’s Dance” 2021, it has become four times such a schauspielrol. The first war in 2021 in the film film “Cop Secret” as Omar sees it, a year long später at “Bibi & Tina – Einfach anders”. The game from 2024 is in the film film “Eine Million Minuten” with Karoline Herfurth (40) and Tom Schilling (42) who play the role of Einar.
