
Cash. Financial Advisors Awards 2024: Nominations Are In

Photo: Florian Sonntag

Financial Advisors Awards 2024: Die Stimmung Steigt

On September 20 I left for the Spannung on the Süllberg in the exclusive Stadtteil Blankenese of Hamburg. Dann was zum 22. Mal in Folge the Financial Advisors Awards in the form of Cash. GALA lost. The Nominees are celebrating the Nunmehr fest.

If you request the price and perform the industry extensions, you can choose the best capital layers from non-asset categories for years to come.

In those years, more and more products from eight Spartans in the Endlauf. More juries assess the candidates for the investment fund, the variants and the appreciation of the jewelry.

The first steps in writing capital and the späten-sieger became a hand of the innovative, transparent, vermittler-oriented and anlegerfreundlich best results.

In these years, the products were selected from the following categories: Fondspolicen, Arbeitskraftabsicherung, Sachversicherungen, Investmentfonds, Investmentfonds Nachhaltigkeit, Sachwertanlagen (AIF) Immobilien Deutschland, Sachwertanlagen (AIF) and Sachwertanlagen Sonstige

Page two: The nominees

Read here what it is.