
$112 million through 2033

Leon Draisaitl has a record-breaking contract in the North American Ice Hockey Professional League NHL title. The German Topstar is looking for the title with the Edmonton Oilers in the summer of 2025, which will last eight years longer. This deal will bring in 28 years more national costs than 14 million dollars per year. This applies to the Oilers mit.

In media relations, Draisaitl is now one of the best-paid hockey players in the world. Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs/13.25) has recently passed away. “It’s a war for my father, who is going to work in Edmonton,” said Draisaitl, who was the best German hockey player with the Oilers twins, nor won the Stanley Cup as an NHL Meister player. In those years, the battle began in the finals of the Calgary Flames.

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“The city loves and loves Eihockey. The Unterstützung of the Fans is very serious“, begründete Draisaitl seinen Entschluss. This is the case with the common Kölner who are not satisfied with their work, in the coming years, but also with the desired Trophäe der Welt in their hands: “Dazu has a tolle, über die Jahre gewachsene Mannschaft, in ich me sehr wohlfühle und mit der wir große Soul haben.”

“More historical Tag for the Oilers”

Draisaitl was drafted as the third player of his year worldwide in 2014. Ask the French German Nationalsturm player Peter Draisaitl a best mark after the others. “It is a historic event for the Edmonton Oilers. Leon’s commitment to our team, our city and the Oilers fans around the world could not be more a thing,” said Oilers General Manager Stan Bowman. “When I had my eye on a Stanley Cup title in Edmonton, it was all so that it could not be otherwise, in the middle point.”

Ethnic Favorites in the NHL

When looking at playing time Draisaitl jewels are over 100 goals. Dreimal schoss is jewels over 50 Tore and became 2020 best scorer of the entire league. I am a year into playing and best game of the NHL.

These Marken are no longer a German player in the NHL. Be the first to become a sports enthusiast after ex-basketball player Dirk Nowitzki during the 2020 season.

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